These are invited talks/seminars/colloquiums at various institutions, including my home institution. I am trying to provide links to the recordings (if available) or to the slides (TBD!).
Title: Health Inequalities in Latin American Cities
Part of: EPI Seminar Series
Location: Colorado School of Public Health, Aurora, CO
Date: October 2021
Link to presentation:
Title: Using epidemiological evidence to inform public health practice: a case-study from Spain
Part of: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Seminar Series
Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Date: April 2021
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Social Inequalities as a Cause and Consequence of COVID-19
Part of: Drexel Libraries ScholarSip Series
Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Date: Dec 2020
Link to presentation:
Title: Inequities in COVID-19
Part of: Conference on Social Inequalities in Pandemics. UNESCO Chair in Citizenship, Coexistence and Pluralism
Location: Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
Date: November 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: COVID-19 and Cities
Part of: Emerging Issues in the Coronavirus Pandemic Seminar Series
Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Date: October 2020
Link to presentation:
Title: Spatial Inequities in COVID-19 Outcomes.
Part of: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Seminar Series
Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Date: May 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: COVID-19 and Cities
Part of: Emerging Issues in the Coronavirus Pandemic Seminar Series
Location: Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA
Date: April 2020
Link to presentation:
Title: Urban Scaling and Health: Regularities (and Irregularities) in Health Outcomes across Urban Areas of the Americas
Part of: Center of Population Dynamics Weekly Seminar
Location: McGill University, Montreal, QC
Date: March 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Health and Health Inequalities in Cities of Latin America: Preliminary Results from the SALURBAL study
Part of: Centro de Investigacion en Salud Poblacional
Location: Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, Mexico
Date: February 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Data visualization for Health Equity: a case study of inequalities in Latin American cities.
Part of: Current Topics in Epidemiology Series
Location: Department of Epidemiology. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD
Date: January 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Health Inequalities in the Americas – a 10,000 ft view of Urban Health in the US and Latin America.
Part of: Division of Epidemiology
Location: Department of Population Health. NYU Grossman School of Medicine, New York City, NY.
Date: January 2020
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Health and Health Inequalities in Cities of the US and Latin America.
Part of: Epidemiology and Public Health Grand Rounds.
Location: University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD
Date: December 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Health Inequalities in Urban Areas of Latin America: preliminary results from the SALURBAL study
Part of: Global Health Program seminars
Location: Georgetown University, Washington, DC
Date: November 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Health and Health Inequalities in Cities of Latin America
Part of: Instituto de Salud Colectiva Seminars
Location: Universidad Nacional de Lanus, Argentina
Date: October 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Levels and determinants of urban mortality in Latin American cities: data from the SALURBAL project
Part of: Pre-Symposium on Levels and determinants of urban mortality: a focus on cities of Latin America
Location: Drexel University
Date: September 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Mortality and Inequality in Urban Areas of the Americas
Part of: Spotlight On Global Engagement! Series
Location: Drexel University
Date: July 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Heterogeneity in Health Disparities by Income in Metropolitan Areas of the US
Part of: Urban Health Collaborative Brown Bag Seminars
Location: Drexel Dornsife School of Public Health
Date: April 2019
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Studying Health and Health Inequalities in Cities of the America
Part of: Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Research Seminars
Location: Drexel Dornsife School of Public Health
Date: October 2018
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Mortality Profiles in 366 Cities in 10 Latin American Countries
Part of: Drexel International Research Showcase
Location: Drexel University
Date: October 2018
Link to presentation: TBD
Title: Neighborhood Environments and Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases
Part of: YCARE (Youth/Child cArdiovascular Risk and Environmental) Research Group Seminars
Location: University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Online)
Date: September 2018
Link to presentation:
Title: Neighborhood Social and Economic Change, Food Environment Change and Diabetes Incidence in Madrid, Spain
Part of: Seminarios de Epidemiologia Social
Location: National School of Public Health, ISCIII, Madrid, Spain
Date: September 18th, 2017
Link to presentation: (See defense tab)
Title: The Health Effects of Economic Change: National Policies and Local Mechanisms
Part of: Public Health Forum
Location: Institute of Psychology Health and Society, University of Liverpool, UK
Date: September 27th, 2016
Link to presentation:
Title: Macrosocial Changes and Chronic Diseases: Gender and Tobacco in Spain, 1960-2010
Part of: CNE Seminar Series
Location: Centro Nacional de Epidemiologia (Spanish CDC), Madrid, Spain
Date: September 17th, 2015
Link to presentation:
Title: Individuos Enfermos, Poblaciones Enfermas [Sick Individuals, Sick Populations]
Invited by: IFMSA-Complutense
Location: Facultad de Medicina Complutense (Medical School, Universidad Complutense), Madrid, Spain
Date: November 29th, 2012
Title: Determinantes Sociales de la Salud [Social Determinants of Health]
Part of: Summer School on Public Health for Medical Students (invited by IFMSA-Granada)
Location: Escuela Andaluza de Salud Publica (Andalusian School of Public Health), Granada, Spain
Date: July 23rd, 2012
Link to presentation (in Spanish):
I've also presented in numerous RIP (research in progress) meetings. If you ended up here looking for those slides, please shoot me an email and I'll gladly share them.